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Taoism essay

Taoism essay

In the second half of II century Rebellion of the Yellow Turbans has become the precondition of the popularity of Taoism. This is derived from his claim that reason motivates morality and demands respect for reason as a motive for all human beings. Taoism is one of the great philosophical systems and religions which has come from ancient China, debuting fully in the 4th century. htm [accessed 28th November ], taoism essay. As is the karma, taoism essay, so is the will taoism essay the man. html Butler, Mike.

The history of Taoism

Taoism essay is a Chinese theoretical and taoism essay system, which was the basis for a civilization in olden China. Lao-Tzu born in BCE is said to be the initiator of Taoism. Buddhism had a significant impact on Zionism after its initiation in China. Taoism supported Buddhism and basically united with it. People saw Buddhism as a distant form of Taoism. Later, Taoism became a simple practice and its taoism essay and followers later implemented various supernatural and mysterious customs similar to those of European alchemists. Afterwards, Taoism lost its zeal and the devotees of its practice are now mainly found in Hong Kong taoism essay Taiwan. The beginner of Taoism was known as Lao-Tzu, taoism essay.

It is claimed that Lao-tzu wrote the classic book of Taoism: the Tao Te Ching, taoism essay, during his life, taoism essay. In the fourth century a book was written that promoted observance to the way of nature of life in everything. It is referred to as the key features of wu-wei; action not influenced by external forces. Another book expounded on these ideas further. It was known as Chuang-Tzu, and named after its author. In the first century C, taoism essay. E many taoism essay used these insights to form practices and associations.

Some hoped for a golden period in years that followed. This period was taoism essay as the great peace. The devotees of Taoism values were supposed to reign during the golden period. Motivated by such ideas, many private associations attempted to lead in the great peace. Among them was a trial to depose the Han dynasty in C. The initiator declares to have been instructed by Lao-Tzu, whom he regarded as a god. In addition, the association assured to cure diseases. It also gave its followers manuscripts for writing their spiritual growth. The first millennium was the era of the great peace of Taoism, taoism essay.

Taoists formed detailed customs. They also formed various practices that would lengthen life and immortality. Many times Taoism did not emerge the authorized religion. Different kingdoms obliged their followers to do Taoists rituals, taoism essay instance, to rejoice the anniversary of Lao-tzu. The first millennium C. was a period when Buddhism began in China. Taoists always resisted Buddhism, and they persuaded many leaders to abolish it. However, the two religions did influence each other. Taoists concepts played a role in modifying Buddhism. Through the impact of Buddhism, Taoists formed monasteries and convents supported by the government. During the second millennium, Confucianism ruled over Chinese religions.

The official outlook enhanced the unity of the three religions; Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. During this era Taoism essay formed systems appropriate to the requirements of specific people instead of official sects. With the triumph of communism in China inTaoism endured immensely, taoism essay. This was because the states outlawed both customs and religions, it resisted Taoism, taoism essay. In the s some Taoists associations were formed and Taoist worship began again. Taoists rituals thrived in Chinese society specifically in Taiwan, taoism essay. In Taoism, Tao has the same definition taoism essay that of God, taoism essay.

Tao signify a bed of river. Therefore, it implies course or way; the path of sensible living. Since Tao is signified as God, He is not visible although his being is there in everything. Tao, hence, is the path and every living thing has to commit to it. Taoism requires its devotees to adapt the features of Tao in their lives. According to Taoism, a good person is taoism essay water. This is because water helps all living things without competing with them. By learning from this principle, taoism essay, a good person will love insight, people, and order. The solution to knowing the origin of Taoism is based on the definition that the phrase Tao came to acquire in the traditional Taoist barriers. In Confucian records Tao signifies a path, the right manner of behavior for people and for the administration of governments.

The idea is both wider and deeper in Taoism. Not only is Tao a ritual, taoism essay, something that can be possessed or lost. It taoism essay also the very creature of the world. There are three obvious differences but connected definitions of Tao. It is a metaphysical truth. It is a form of ordinary regulation. The key ideas of Taoism comprise the idea of Tao as the common element of every living thing. Tao does not only involve real things of whichever form, in their origins, transformation, and decay. Tao is an inseparable, fixed whole. Tao is a motivation or purpose which directs the life. Therefore, the manner of existence is in accord with Yin and Yang, taoism essay. Ying-Yang taoism essay the olden Chinese philosophy of two unlike and complimentary powers in life.

The Yin is linked to the womanly, while the Yang is linked to manly, taoism essay. According to the Yin-Yang theory, life is defined in terms of succession and adjustment of the balance of the two powers. Shariati think that the complete accounts of Taoism together with Zoroastranism, Buddhism are founded on contradiction. A clash between two unlike poles forms history. In Taoism and the Chinese culture, dialectical perspective is of paramount importance. Everything, on the view of Yang and Taoism essay theory, are in continuous fight and are the result of disagreement. The existence of all these different powers in the matter and in religion, according to Shariati, forms a structure and way in the form of Tao, taoism essay.

Below all these adjustments of facts is the course of Tao, taoism essay, which accepts the agreement of the taoism essay. In Taoism, the aspect of unity in diversity is similar to the aspect of Wahdatul-wajud. It considers first love, then understanding. Self-control, empathy and kindness are regarded as the three valuables of Taoism. Nevertheless, the theory of Tao did not induce reaction from people. For the Taoist, believed it was a phony matter required for debate, and dangerous to wisdom and to stay with harmony. Taoism thought that the wise individual was a risk to the society because he thought in terms of laws and rules which would ruin the liberty that people had. Although Taoism was an opposition against the social financial system, it was so much into the current of personality, futurity and wisdom that it destabilized the society.

Taoism instructs that by staying in agreement with the Tao or according to nature, it is likely to lengthen life and even become eternal, taoism essay. Researchers have differentiated between two different forms of Taoism: philosophical and religious. Philosophical stands for thoughts established from to B. Religious signifies activities and rituals like alchemy changing metals into medication that would make one live forever and meditation that started around the first century C. These two forms play a role in differentiating two key levels in the history of Taoism. However it would be wrong to say philosophical and religious were completely different movements. The first Taoist writings commemorate the Tao. According to the foundation of the Tao Te Ching, it is difficult to provide a name for the Tao.

It is simply beyond words, taoism essay. In addition, the Tao is the creator of everything. It forms all things on the earth, including human beings. The first records indicate that people should live in agreement with the Tao. An example is given of taoism essay flowing in a river. It moves because of the pressure on it from other factors such as force of gravity, yet it appears powerful than the banks; it erodes the banks away. Taoists find this illustration informative. Taoists claims the best action from people is not forced by deliberate intention.

This example is also applied taoism essay the government. A government performs best if its people are unaware of their work. Afterwards Taoism forms taoism essay legendary ideas. It informs that there are many immortals.

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The movement was divided there were also Northern Celestial Masters and then the South Celestial Masters. Meanwhile, two schools have increased their influence: school Shangqing, which emphasizes visualization and contact with the inhabitants of heaven and Lingbao that pay attention to meditation, and experienced the influence of Buddhism. Later, during Tang era the Way of the Five Pecks of Rice was reconstituted as the One True School and has received special imperial privilege. During the reign of the Song dynasty they have received imperial privileges and found their supremacy over Shangqing and Lingbao. In , the Mongolian authorities have confirmed the status of school and noticeably weakened Shangqing and Lingbao were absorbed and ceased their independent existence.

Firstly, Tao is a method of ultimate reality. In this sense, the Tao is difficult to understand and comprehend. This meaning of Tao is transcendental Tao that is the foundation, basis for all that follows. All life life power comes from it and returns to it. The second meaning of Tao is the way of the universe, the norm, the rhythm, the driving force in all of nature, and all life forms. Tao in the second meaning is a substance from which there was a whole world, the first principle, which is the energy capacious emptiness.

Tao is the grace emanating from above; energy that has caused the transformation of the first Tao into the world. In a third sense, Tao refers to how a person should act and live in the interaction with the universe. The third meaning of Tao is the way in which should develop people and nature, and universal law that ensure the existence of the world. Taoism, with its concept of non-action, was traditionally in the opposition to Confucianism that preaches the service to the sovereign and society. This opposition has been so deep that even reflected in the work of the Jesuit missionaries.

For example, Matteo Ricci was in close contact with the Confucian elite and has rejected the Taoism as a pagan practice - while his opponent, Ruggieri Michele Ruggieri , claimed the similarity between the concepts of Dao and logo. The analysis of it is barren because of its infinity. According to the doctrine of yin and yang they have made conclusions that the good and evil are equal. Thus, the good is the natural state of the world, as the evil. Taoist, eager to do good that brings to life the evil. The major virtue is considered abstinence - it is the beginning of moral perfection.

Exactly the same principle of relativity is used in Taoism in relation to life and death they are only a part of the rhythm of Tao. A striking example of the Taoist attitude to life and death is the description of the Chuang Tzu behavior after the death of his wife. When his friend has visited him to offer condolences, he was astonished to find that Chuang Tzu was singing and beating out a tune on the back of a wooden bowl. In response to a friend's perturbations, Zhuangzi has said that life and death are part of a single process. He also has said that his wife was in the intermediate state between heaven and earth, as if asleep. Thus, his cry and moan, while she was sleeping, would have been a denial of nature's law. In contrast to the religious Taoism that has formed into a full-fledged religion, the philosophical Taoism rather disorganized.

Philosophical and religious Taoism is both self-help programs. The teacher in philosophical Taoism are rather coaches and mentors who help their students in understanding the philosophical Tao and guide them in their lives and what they should do according to the philosophy of Tao. It can be translated as non-interference, although the word does not imply absolute passivity. Wu-wei means a spontaneous or natural action that makes people intuitively without planning. Real circumstances, not fantasies are motivation for this action. Often we act contrary to his nature with the sole purpose - to prove any idea or principle.

Wu wei is often compared to water, as a human should adapt to everything water can easy change its shape, but at the same time water and human can be a powerful stream that can turns sharp stones into a smooth pebble. Hsia, R. A Jesuit in the Forbidden City: Matteo Ricci Oxford: Oxford University Press, Oldmeadow, Harry. Light from the East: Eastern Wisdom for the Modern West. Bloomington: World Wisdom, Palmer, Martin. The Book of Chuang Tzu. London: Penguin Classics, Robinet, Isabelle. Taoism: Growth of a Religion. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, Schirokauer, Conrad. A Brief History of Chinese Civilization,. Boston: Cengage Learning, Smith, Huston. The World's Religions. New York: HarperOne, Voorst, Robert E. Anthology of World Scriptures. Boston: Wadsworth Publishing, We accept sample papers from students via the submission form.

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Hire this Writer. Calculate Price And Order An Essay. Academic level High school College University PhD. Deadline 3 hours 6 hours 12 hours 24 hours 2 days 3 days 7 days 14 days 20 days. order now. Submit your old papers to our essay database and help fellow students to learn from example. This is your chance to pay it forward! Shambhala Publishers. Yang J-M. YMAA Publication Center In. Another element shared in common by Shinto and Taoism is religious purity. The concept of purity is taken to a greater extreme in Shinto, in which physical illness is perceived as spiritual impurity. A Taoist is concerned with both physical and spiritual health, but practices Tai Chi and similar methods of calming and balancing body and mind.

Shinto is an indigenous Japanese religion, whereas Taoism originates in China. Although the two religions have different geographic origins and different means of worship, they share some elements in common. Both include reverence for ancestors or ancestral spirits, and both are concerned with physical and spiritual purity. Written Assignment Unit Three 2. Discuss the process that led to the formation of the Talmud. Explain the basic contents of the Talmud and their relation to the Torah. The Torah refers to the Hebrew Bible as a sacred text. The Talmud evolved as a living…. Both Taoism and Buddhism encourage meditation as a means by which to liberate the mind and achieve emptiness. One of the Buddhist practices that encourages emptiness is mindfulness meditation, or vipassana.

However, there are numerous specific methods that be used during the meditation practice. Some are more Tibetan in origin as those espoused by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and the Vajrayana tradition. Other meditation practices are like those I learned at the Hsi Lai Temple, which combine Ch'an Chinese Zen Buddhism with Buddhist humanism. Taoism, unlike Buddhism, also offers ancillary spiritual practices such as Tai Chi and Chi Gung. The teachings of Buddhism and Taoism go neatly hand in hand. Therefore, I am continually growing from becoming more open to spiritual teachings. The spiritual journey is like a flower blossoming. I do not believe that religious dogma or ideology are necessary, and in some cases they can be harmful.

As Chogyam…. Works Cited Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism. Shambala, html "Humanism. Religions of the Far East are often clumped into a monolithic entity, perceived as essentially alike by those not familiar with the complexity and individuality of these traditions. Closer examination, however, shows that the major religions with roots in the Far East demonstrate a wide variety of beliefs. The tendency to group them under the heading of "Eastern religion" alone does not allow for the different histories, beliefs, and practices of these traditions. This tendency, however, has some validity in that Eastern belief systems do share many characteristics. In this essay, I will explain the basic precepts, including similarities of, differences in, and the relationship between three major Eastern traditions: Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism.

First, I will give a basic overview of the three belief systems, exploring their histories and general precepts. Then, I will explore the specific beliefs which these faiths share, as well as the beliefs which…. Works Cited Edwards, L. A Brief Guide to Beliefs. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press. Esposito, J. World Religions Today. New York: Oxford University Press. Hopfe, L. And Woodward, M. Religions of the World, 8th ed.. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Sharma, A. Our Religions. San Francisco: Harper Collins Publishers. o start with, Buddhism and Jainism both meet the definition of religion as a 'spiritual path' and Carl Jung's description of religion as meeting the need for personal fulfillment or "individuation.

Mahavira, the founder of Jainism, was himself believed to be the twenty-fourth 'tirthankara' and according to Buddhist Cosmology, an enlightened being is born in each era Gautama Buddha is regarded as the fourth Buddha. Both religions are similar in upholding the path of 'dharma' and 'ahimsa. The first elemental difference between Hinduism and Taoism is the transcendental nature of the former and the immanent nature of the latter. This characteristic also leads to Hinduism's sacramental orientation and the importance lent to the use of sacred words and scriptures in areas such as music and art vs. The more mystical leanings of Taoism and the value it places on silence and wordless meditation. third aspect of contrast is that Hinduism preaches the doctrine of karma and cyclical time, and that the 'atman' or human soul will receive 'moksha' or liberation from personal limitation, egotism and rebirth only through following a path of 'Jnana Yoga,' 'Karma Yoga' and 'Bhakti Yoga,' whereas Taoism places far less emphasis on the individual.

The fourth point of marked difference is that while Hinduism practices 'exclusiveness,' Taoism is inclusive in nature accepting belief in many deities and regarding truth as relative in the interests of attaining social harmony. In conclusion, though there are some similarities and some differences when comparing any two religions, Buddhism and Jainism do seem to have a very common basis in their overall orientation whereas there seems to be sharp differences between Hinduism and Taoism. From this point-of-view, it could be stated that the reward for his attempt is to be found in this life.

The adept of Taoism, in his attempt to become a superior man will dedicate himself, ore to actions which can have a strong social impact. Instead he will focus upon actions such contemplation of himself and the universal energy. The reward of the Taoist superior man is to be achieved in another life this implies the belief in reincarnation. It must be underlined that despite these differences, the final result includes both the development of the individual and that of society and from this all the other individual benefit as well. All in all, it can be stated that the conceptual differences regarding the idea of the superior man in the Confucian and Taoist philosophies have more to do with form and less with substance. The ultimate goal is that…. Bibliography: Mason, Bill. Taoist Principles.

html Pay, Rex He also amalgamates the concepts of wuwei, yin and yang and harmony in universe by suggesting the path of least resistance " in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak. eferences Daoism. Article in Encyclopedia Encarta Online, html Sun Tzu…. References Daoism. html Sun Tzu on the Art of War. Translated from the Chinese by Lionel Giles. Western civilization has been developing according to a set of coordinates that are entirely separated from the ones of its Eastern counterpart. The focus of this paper is to propose subjective psychologically-minded interpretations to a series of Asian stories and poems extracted from the traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. The storyline of Searching for Buddha begins with the account of a monk's lengthy and arduous journey towards finding Buddha.

When he finally locates Buddha's whereabouts, he finds that he needs to cross a river in order to reach the region of destination. Therefore, he solicits the help of a boatman. On waiting to get across, the monk notices something floating on the river, right towards the boat. As it gets closer, the floating object is revealed to be the monk's very own dead body, and the shock of the realization sends the traveler into a fit of distress. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon The film, documentaries and the last docudrama are exceptional production pieces by notable directors and producers. Crouching tiger-hidden dragon defies the usual mantra of strength only attributed to men.

Jen effectively acts as person having higher morals. The martial arts performance was exceptional, an unusual feature in Hollywood. Islam, the empire of faith is another documentary made on the rise of Islamic empire and the life of Prophet Mohammad having a great impact on establishment of religion. The film sheds light on Hinduism as a religion and its faith and dogmas. Lastly, Kundan is a docudrama based on life of Dalai Lama. References Bowker, J. World religions. Dorling Kindersley. Chan, K. The Global Return of the Wu Xia Pian Chinese Sword-Fighting Movie : Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Cinema Journal, 43 4 , Conze, E. Buddhism: Its essence and development. Windhorse Publications. Driver, M. The medieval hero on screen: representations from Beowulf to Buffy Vol. Evil in Judaism and Taoism 2 How does the answer to the existential "why" given by the karma theodicy differ from the answer given by the eschatological theodicy? The karma theodicy suggests that the existence of evils upon earth, and of evils within the individual human life, should be understood in two directions -- looking back at a state before a person was born, and ahead towards a state after a person will be dead.

Here life on earth becomes a sort of purgatorial existence -- the heaven to be reached is an escape from earthly incarnation. The reward of people for suffering is ultimately a removal from earth itself, and the justice of the universe is manifest in the logic of this process of death and rebirth. Time, in the karma theodicy, is understood as cyclical: souls have been here before and will be here again, and presumably samsara…. Tao de Ching is one of the most influential and important philosophical texts in human history. Attributed to Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu between and BCE, the teachings contained within the Tao de Ching have become collectively known as Taoism. The term "tao" or "dao" is usually translated straightforwardly as "the way," but the entire title of the text Tao de Ching may refer to a cluster of concepts including "the way of integrity" Walter 1 or the "way and its power," "Lao Tzu: The Father of Taoism," 1.

Knierim points out that the term "ching" means scripture, and the term "te" means both strength and virtue. Thus, Tao de Ching does refer to a scriptural text about the way or path of strength and virtue. The Tao de Ching is not a narrative text, but a prescriptive one written as short verses containing wisdom quips and advice for…. By placing these lessons within the context of the battlefield, Sun Tzu provided thousands of years of audiences with a Taoist approach to conflict and to warfare. Taoism is traditionally thought of as a peaceful, natural philosophy that avoids fighting much like Buddhism.

But this is untrue. Taoism recognizes that life involves conflict, but that the wise man can mediate this conflict and control it so that it is least destructive and most productive. Thus, war is not an anathema to Taoists, merely a last resort. Sun Tzu concludes, "The art of war is of vital importance to the state. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence under no circumstances can it be neglected" Sun Tzu 9. Taoists would agree: conflict is an inescapable part of life, thus a deeper understanding of it such as Sun Tzu provides is the…. Works Cited Cantrell, Robert L. Understanding Sun Tazu on the Art of War. Arlington, VA: Center for Advantage, Evans-Campbell, Brent.

Sun Tzu. The Art of War. James Clavell. New York: Delacorte Press, Wilson, Jaret. Women are just mere followers of what the males would decide. In Taoism Taoism is a combination of psychology and philosophy and evolved into a religious faith in CE when it was adopted as a state religion. Taoism, along with Buddhism and Confucianism, became one of the three great religions of China. Taoism currently has about 20 million followers. It is a force that flows through all life. Taoists strongly promote health and vitality. Taoists believe that the five main organs and orifices of the body correspond to the five parts of the sky: water, fire, wood, metal and earth. Each person…. Reference List Buddhism. html Buddhism and Gender Equality.

htm Inglehart, Ronald. Brill Kohn, Livia. Queen's University Kingston, ON Taoism. Religious Taoism is the third objective of all Taoist followers although it entails a deep commitment into the priesthood. Priests in ancient China were more than just religious leaders -- they were the doctors, lawyers and intellects of the times as well as the individuals who could deal with evil spirits and the occult. Some things that have come from this function are ideas like Feng Shui where the church helped communities become in sync with nature or the absolute. Confucianism Confucianism can be considered to be nothing more than a type of humanism. In other words, it is a philosophy that focuses on just that, human beings. By dictating human achievements, interests and social conduct rather than with abstract ideas like god or heaven, Confucius made life simple.

Confucianism entails that man is the center of the universe but he must also share the universe with his fellow man…. The holistic theory of health, "Therefore looks for the signs of disharmony in the external and internal environment of a person in order to understand, treat and prevent illness and disease. This includes the theory of complementary opposites such Yin-yang, the Five Elements, the human body Meridian system and others. Traditional Chinese medicine the following quotation clearly shows the way in which Chinese medicine attempts cures and better health by looking at the overall situation of the individual. This is a very different approach to the conventional estern method focusing only on the central area of illness or concern. Traditional Chinese medicine has a "macro" or holistic view of disease.

For example, one modern interpretation is that well-balanced human bodies can resist most everyday bacteria…. Works Cited China. July 12, July 13, html Chinese cuisine. Taoism offers an ideal of nonaggression that does not strive to improve upon the existing order. However, unlike Buddhism, which can advocate action of present mindfulness to relieve suffering such as the protests of Tibetan monks striving to create a free society Taoism seems more passive, and less apt to critique existing society, in contrast to Buddhism. Taoism's main critique of Confucianism, for example, was not that Confucianism promoted an inequitable and hierarchical society of age and social class but that it tried to change things in the existing world, which was already perfect.

Taoism is a philosophy that is proudly one of submission, not resistance. Even a good ruler, in the Taoist view "sidesteps" the need for direct action -- unlike Buddhism, which provided a path for warriors, so long as they upheld a virtuous ethic, and remained 'in the moment,' responding only with as much force as was…. Lao Tzu Psychology Dreaming: Exploring Philosophy through Psychology What are we, really? Are we the human, or are we the butterfly? Our cognitive reasoning is definitely limited to our mere mortal senses, and so this question is actually quite difficult -- if not impossible -- to ask.

One thing that is certain, the brain has a degree of complexity that is perplexing. According to the philosophy of Lao Tzu, the father of Taoism, we are connected to the universal life force and thus all other living creatures. This is part of our most basic foundations of existence, thus residing deep within what modern psychologists would label the unconscious. Dreaming, as seen in modern psychology, is a way to allow that unconscious much more freedom to explore and grow. Ultimately, it is the mind's increased flexibility that occurs during sleep that allows us to better connect with the universal Tao and….

Religious Daoism has reconciled itself with philosophical Daoism by claiming its purpose as "cultivating this special epistemic ability, obediently following teachers and traditions. The philosophical strain's emphasis on natural spontaneity, freedom and egalitarianism, leads them to favor political anarchy. Instead, there is a perception in the relativist worldview that religion, or any such social organization designed to pigeonhole the purposes of Dao's questions or parables, is in fact a subversion of its most important values. However, we are at least reconciled in our own distance from the faith aspects of Dao's observance. Instead, we find that when taken together, the core elements of Daoism bear great relevance to our understanding of Buddhist spiritual traditions just as they do to our understanding of eastern philosophical impulses.

Works Cited: Brooks, P. Stanford Hansen, C. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Envisioning the Daoist Body in the Economy of Cosmic Power. Daedalus, Taoism a. Religious Tolerance. The TAOIST CANON DAOZANG. Kenyon College. Eastern Religion Elements Matrix Buddhism Confucianism Daoism Countries of origin In Historical figures and events Origin: India Founded: BC Origin": India Founded 2, years ago by Indian Prince Siddharta Gautama Origin: China; founded between the 6th and 5th centuries B. Central beliefs In the afterlife, if Karma is not resolved, the soul is born into a new body; life's purpose is to be liberated from reincarnation Like Hinduism, a goal is to be liberated from the cycle of reincarnation; "benevolence" and optimism and being loyal to one's own nature; being unselfish, giving back reciprocity and seeking a virtuous life This spiritual Taoism and philosophical Taoism; Taoism focuses on social duty and adheres to the principles of Confucianism; death is simply from being to non-being,….

Eastern Religions The author of this report has been asked to compare and contrast the religious belief systems that existed in the Ancient Near East, the Indian subcontinent and China. Indeed, there will be a recitation of what they have in common and how they differ. The religions in question would include ones like Judaism, those of ancient Egypt and others like Mesopotamia and beyond. The more Eastern religions like Confucianism and Daoism is also in the discussion. hile the religions in the regions cited are alike and similar in many ways, there are still absolutely differences and variations that exist. Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism are often collected in a set that is known as the "three teachings. All of the religions in question date back about fourteen centuries.

One thing that they absolutely have in common is that…. Works Cited ACM. Duiker, William J. and Jackson J. World History. Australia: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Dreher, Diane. The Tao of Personal Leadership. Harper Business, After having written several books on applying Taoism to the modern world and to Western society, Diane Dreher offers her interpretation of how Taoist principles can be applied to business and leadership. The book is divided into two parts, corresponding to the binary of yin and yang central to Taoism. Part I is entitled "The Yin of Inner Leadership," and addresses topics like cultivating the qualities conducive for interpersonal and personal success.

Part II is entitled "The Yang of Leadership in Action," and includes sections on building community, communication, conflict resolution, and empowerment. Not a traditional text on business and leadership, The Tao of Personal Leadership offers a unique approach towards cultivating an attitude, mindset, and skills that can greatly enhance communication style, conflict resolution, and therefore ultimately, sales objectives. Because I am familiar with Eastern philosophy, this book did…. Eugene O'Neill Long Days Journey Into Night by Eugene O'Neill Eugene O'Neill's work "Long Day's Journey into Night" has been critically described as an autobiographical work, a tragedy with universal appeal and a Taoist manuscript among other descriptions.

Long Day's Journey into Night might indeed be described as the autobiographical work of one of the most well-known dramatists, who incorporated aspects of every day living and the nature of human instinct and despair into his work. Clearly O'Neill attempts to describe the longing and tragedy that is inherently part of the human psyche. What better way to do this than to pull from true life experiences. These ideas and the critics that support or refute them are described in greater detail below. Winther Winther , one of O'Neill's earlier critics, suggests that O'Neill deals with tragedy from a universally appealing standpoint. O'Neill according to Winther, deals with the fall…. Liu, Haiping; Swortzell, Lowell.

Raleigh, J. When Neo-Confucianism arrived in Japan in the 16th century, it built on the pre-existing ideas of Confucianism that had already been imported into the island centuries earlier Tsutsui As far back as the 5th century, the Japanese had mixed with Confucian ideas about society and the role of the person in the world. Confucian ideas taught the Japanese about what it means to be a moral person. However, the Japanese also incorporated Buddhist concepts into their culture -- and these focused on the metaphysical side of nature and how to define reality or unreality.

These two systems of thought, along with Taoism, molded Japan for hundreds of years. By the time Neo-Confucianism arrived, the Japanese were ready to address the issues that the schools left unresolved. Buddhism presented life as basically unreal and that nirvana was the real reality. Confucianism taught values about society and how to respect life,…. The Japanese myth partly resembles that of Adam and Eve present in the Bible and in the Quran. However, the first beings in Japan are considered to hold much more power than their equivalents in the west. Another resemblance between the Japanese legends and those in the west is the fact that the kami are considered to live in the high planes of Takamagahara, somewhat resembling mount Olympus, from Greek mythology.

Japanese mythology is different from other mythologies through the fact that all of the deities involved in it are good in their character. In the sixteenth century, when Buddhism entered Japan, the locals had a hard time keeping Shinto as their main religion, since it had not been an organized religion. Even with the fact that Buddhism had been spreading quickly around the country, the presence of Shinto could be felt everywhere, in people's lifestyles and in their culture. Works cited: 1. Amudsen, Christan. Herman A. Kato, Etsuko. Kumagai Fumie, Keyser Donna J. By avoiding extremes, a sage can avoid conflict. The sage doesn't seek to impose or interfere and hence let people follow him on their own will.

There is no compulsion in sage's rule. The sage seeks to rule people by example instead of force. He quietly observes and does and people then do the same as he wishes because they like the way the sage acts. Therefore the sage says: I take unattached action, and the people transform themselves I prefer quiet, and the people right themselves I do not interfere, and the people enrich themselves I have no desires, and the people simplify themselves Chapter 57 Sage doesn't believe in ostentation: A sage is a person of calm action which means that while he does what…. htm [accessed 28th November ].

ecause of rhetoric that was rampant through the region, the result was "a skewed perception among some Chinese intellectuals that Indian must have been a race of violent and uncouth barbarians" Mather, The once positive relationship between the two regions was tarnished, as evident by the "Discourse on Triple Destruction" which illuminates the barbarian traits that the Indian people have Mather, This laid, along with the foundational elements Scripture of Lao-tzu Converting the arbarians, for a negative perception of India and allowed for huddism to flourish on Chinese terms. uddhism in China was taught as "radical dualism," with teachings that focused on sudden enlightenment on salvation through grace rather than through ascetic practices" making it more appealing to a larger population of Chinese Whyte, The Consul General of China asserts that "in Northeast Asia and some Southeast Asian countries, the historical influence of Chinese culture could be….

Bibliography Mather, Richard B. Chinese and indian perceptions of each other between the first and seventh centuries. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 1 , Siwei, Mao. China and india: related yet different civilizations. html Whyte, Bob. Religion in china. In this field attachment is seen, as it is in uddhism, as a continual pattern of never-ending desire for further attainment and objects. The nature of existence is that nothing is permanent. Therefore, even when people attain the object of their attachment, it is only a temporary situation, and people's attempts to maintain the object of their attachment are ultimately doomed to fail.

As people struggle to maintain possession of things to which they are attached, those things inevitably continue to slip through their fingers, so people with attachments suffer. McIntosh 40 There have been many psychological studies on the effects of attachment structures as a form of…. Bibliography Buddhist Practice and Postmodern Psychotherapy. Accessed January 14, htm Conze, Edward. Buddhism: Its Essence and Development. Coward, Harold. Person-Centered Psychology and Taoism: The Reception of Lao-Tzu by Carl R. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, Vol. It is only human for cultures to borrow from successful societies. It has been a common practice throughout human history, especially within the context of the Classical periods, where many major nations were developing themselves as world powers.

Many of these traditions still live on today either in their own right, or through the perpetuation by other cultures. In fact, Western society owes much of its foundations and philosophies to Classical cultures, such as Greco-oman and Middle Eastern influences. Then, the question remains, how will our current society lend to the future formation of new societies yet to be conceived? eferences Boeree, C. Butler, Chris. Hooker, ichard. References Boeree, C. Hooker, Richard. Jayaram, V. An excellent example of this principle is the art of cooking.

hen one cooks, they may follow a recipe. However, if they find in the middle of the recipe that the dish is cooking too quickly, they may have to exercise flexibility and make adjustments to avoid ruining the dish. They cannot follow the recipe without thought, but must make adjustments as they go along. Flexibility must occur spontaneously and must be integrated into what the situation requires Fox. Practicing the uwei produces a seamless dance in which the elements are not noticed of their own accord Fox. hen the actions are appropriate to the situation and the proper amount of flexibility is applied, no one will notice the transitions that have taken place.

If one turns down the flame on the stove, naturally, as if without effort, no one will notice. However, if one were to choose to follow…. Works Cited Fox, a. Reflex and Reflectivity. Wuwei in the Zhuangzi. Asian Philosophy, Volume , pp. Accessed February 10, Goddard, D. htm Accessed February 10, Kardash, T. Jade Dragon Taoism - the Wu-Wei Principle, Part 4. Online June Lawson, S. Wu Wei. Columbus reveled in making distinctions between his own culture and 'the other,' in a way that prioritized his own culture, even though ironically he went in search of a non-estern civilization's Indian bounty of spices. Columbus' eradication of another civilization is the most extreme form of estern civilization's prioritization of distinction, in contrast to Buddhism's stress upon the collapse of such distinction.

The most obvious negative legacy of Columbus, for all of his striving and inquiry, is the current racial divisions of our own society and the damaged material and cultural state of Native Americans. Although a change of attitude cannot heal these distinctions alone, adopting at least some of the Buddhist spirit of the acceptance of the 'Other' as one with the self or 'non-self' might be an important first step in creating common ground in our nation. Our nation was founded not simply in democracy, but upon European…. Works Cited Ancient Chinese Explorers: Part 2. Jan html Butler, Mike. Basic Buddhism Guide. htm Columbus, Christopher. The Journal of Christopher Columbus. Translated by Clements R. This is pantheism defined cinematically.

Pantheism is a departure from Christianity or other theisms as it does not have at its center a God, but suggests that all things, people, animals, creatures, elements, are of the collective; that the collective, together, in its entirety, is the "god Levine, Michael P. Renee Descartes was one such philosopher, and certainly Descartes' philosophy is supported by many philosophers and academicians today. Descartes set about to prove the existence of God, and he began his research by becoming a skeptic and questioning everything, even existence itself de Spinoza, Benedictus and Britan, Halbert Hans, , p.

Descartes proved, at least in the minds of many philosophers, the existence of God de Spinoza and…. Pantheism: A Non-Theistic Concept of Deity. New York: Routledge, A www. Kabul is a cosmopolitan center and demonstrates a willingness to modernize but outside Kabul old traditions remain strong and there is little interest in these rural areas for any change. Social Factors The rural nature of Afghan society cannot be over-emphasized. The population of the country is estimated at 24 million but it is highly fragmented into a variety of ethnic groups that are further broken down into tribal groups.

This tribal fragmentation has been encouraged by the countries bordering Afghanistan that have, in order to promote their own political agendas, disturbed any efforts by the Afghan central government from uniting these tribes. hat has developed is a system of ethnically-based rivalries supported by localized Islamic religious sects. Tribal traditions inside Afghanistan tend to be more powerful than either Islamic theology or political philosophy and these traditions can be harsh toward women Rohde. Gender roles under tribal traditions are…. Works Cited Bickers, Robert. The Scramble for China: Foreign Devils in the Qing Empire, New York: Penguin Global, Cleary, Thomas. The Essential Confucius: The Heart of Confucius' Teachings in Authentic I Ching Order.

New York: Book Sales, Countries and Their Cultures. Ellis, Deborah. Women of the Afghan War. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, Fire the hottest element and metal the hardest both are associated with yang. Nevertheless, the Blue Dragon that symbolizes wood is a principal symbol of yang, while the hite Tiger that symbolizes metal is a principal symbol of yin. This kind of reversal turns up frequently in the I Ching.. There are eight trigrams: The I Ching [Y" Jing1] uses the trigrams by combining pairs of them into 64 hexagrams. The hexagrams reuse the trigrams by combining pairs of them into 64 hexagrams. The hexagrams represent states of affairs, and the I Ching is consulted through the construction of a hexagram to answer one's question. The construction is carried out either through a complicated process of throwing and counting yarrow stalks, or by throwing three coins.

The obverse head …. Works Cited Hooker, Richard. Chinese Philosophy. Undated Accessed February, htm Newborn, Sasha ICHING: The Book of Changes. Bandanna Books. Certainly, the vast majority of people in the West have come to think about the world around them in terms of the Greek philosophical tradition, combined with some version of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religions. For example, Freiberg reports that "Philosophical systems based on positive and dialectical logic have co-existed throughout Western history, but dialectical philosophies have become increasingly important during the last two centuries" p. This author suggests that the emergence of formal symbolic logic in recent years can be attributed, at least in part, to the development of dialectical logic following the philosophy espoused by Hegel, particularly as it concerns its subsequent sociological reinterpretation by Marx Freiberg, By sharp contrast, though, the Daoism traditions are virtually outside this hard-wired way of thinking about the world, and it quickly becomes clear that there is some type of conscious effort required in order to "think outside the box"….

References Bateson, G. Steps to an ecology of mind. New York: Ballantine Books. Briggs, J. Seven life lessons of chaos: Spiritual wisdom from the science of change. New York: Perennial. Chamberlain, H. Foundations of the nineteenth century. London: Bodley Head. The image of China in Western social and political thought. New York: Palgrave. Clarke, J. The Tao of the West: Western transformations of Taoist thought. London: Routledge. In sports terms, to which most Americans can relate, it is the idea of passing backward in soccer in order to move forward with the ball. Also, in arguments, it is making a concession to keep the communication going.

In labor disputes, it is compromising to find a middle ground. Many times one has to yield, back down, empty oneself before overcoming, feeling straight, filling up. James Autrey wrote, eal Power: Business Lessons from the Tao Te Ching that covers a prime way that this paradoxical thought of Tao Te Ching can be understood by the modern manager -- as a means of gaining the most valued and elusive prize in business: power.

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