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Video game addiction essay

Video game addiction essay

The great majority of people can and do play in moderation. In addition, children who are addicted to video games do not participate in any social things. Game addiction can attack anyone, no matter teens or adult, but the most are kids. Video game addiction essay Analysis of Video Game Violence. Both children and adults become addicted to computer games because games allow them to escape the reality.

Video game addiction essay

The community meets a new hobby ambiguously: despite the fact that the computers bring a lot of benefits to society, people began to realize that they have a negative impact on children, especially teenagers. Many parents cannot find time for their children because of the daily activities, fatigue, and other routine problems, and thus have a positive attitude to the video games, allowing children to play different video games on the computer. How is it dangerous for a child to play the computer games? To begin with, every year the ranks of gamers are increasing exponentially. More and more children are spent seated at a desk in front of a computer, playing their favorite computer games. The more young people or teenagers are addicted to the computer games, the less they pay attention to their families and friends.

Some researchers have found that the growing popularity of virtual entertainment contributes to a sharp drop in the quality of relationships and frequency of communication with parents and peers. Teenagers spend their free time not on the important social contacts, but on the computer hobbies, due to which the credibility video game addiction essay the family decreases and the children turn in on themselves. This is a proven fact that the main theme and purpose of the video games are to kill somebody or do other different aggressive actions.

The computer industry is developing very rapidly, the video games are becoming video game addiction essay and more realistic, a murder of any game video game addiction essay done realistically, dead people are falling, etc. The developers work on the physics of human behavior, a virtual man walks, shoots, falls and dies like a real man. Moreover, video game addiction essay, the violent video games video game addiction essay provoke children to suicide. Suicides account for The player imagines himself the hero of his favorite games, and starts to grow into this role, confusing the real and virtual worlds. As a result, it leads to irreversible consequences for a gamer. The computer games video game addiction essay include murders, violence can lead to the mental disorders, poor health, sleep, loss of awareness of objective reality, etc.

A child or teenager, who is addicted to the computer games, has different problems, such as sleep problems, video game addiction essay, worsening health status, declining eyesight. A teenager becomes irritable and always exhausted. In general, it should be noted that the computer games have more negative aspects than positive ones. Thus, in connection with these consequences, a lot of child psychologists recommend for parents to limit access to the computer for their children or completely block that access. Furthermore, video game addiction essay, a prolonged sit at the computer adversely affects a visual acuity. Myopia is being developed because of a constant stress of visual organs.

In addition, there is a harmful radiation referring to old models of monitors. As it was listed above, some video games promote violence and brutality that have a negative impact on health, especially on mental and emotional states. A computer game can provoke an attack of motiveless aggression, if a child or teenager has some mental diseases. In addition to the above-mentioned information, it video game addiction essay possible to add that the common features of computer game addiction are a huge number of psychological and physical symptoms that are closely linked: psychological symptoms: well-being or euphoria at the computer, increase in the amount of time spent at the computer, neglecting family and friends, feelings of emptiness, depression, anger, problems with work or school, video game addiction essay.

Physical symptoms: carpal tunnel syndrome the nerve trunks in the hands, associated with prolonged muscle tensiondry eyes, headaches according to the type of migraine, back pain, video game addiction essay, irregular meals, skipping meals, neglecting personal hygiene, video game addiction essay, sleep disturbances, changes in sleep patterns. How to protect children against the computer games? How to reduce the negative effects of video game addiction? There are some recommendations that should be followed in order to reduce video game addiction. Secondly, it is necessary to offer to play with him, try to switch his attention to other games, such as logical, intelligent, non-PC. Show your child that you are always happy to play with him and you always can find free time for him.

It is video game addiction essay necessaryfor him to feel appreciated and important. Try to be more outdoors, play the mobile games with your child. Suggesthim to join any circle of his interests. Thus, any child or teenager can be addicted to the computer games, but these chances can be reduced if: there is an atmosphere of friendliness, peace, comfort and trust in family;a child has wide interests and hobbies; a child is able to establish positive relations with others; a child is able to set at least the smallest target. The excessive use of the computer games can lead to psychological symptoms. There is no doubt that parents should pay more attention to whatactivities their childrenlike or dislike to participate in, video game addiction essay, and what games they play.

Each person should take responsibility for his life, know what things are harmful and fatal for him and what things are helpful and bring only benefits. Custom papers you get from our writing experts should be used for research purposes only. These papers are not supposed to be submitted for academic credit. Video game addiction essay. The main causes of video game addiction among school children years and teenagers: The lack of communication and warm emotional relationshipsbetween parents and children within family. The absence of serious hobbies, video game addiction essay, interests, attachments, not related to the computer. The inability to establish a desired contact with others, the lack of friends.

Or the presence of a visible physical disability, the external ugliness repels peers from communicating with him. The total bad lack of any child. This reason is similar to the previous one. For example, a child has bad grades at school, or has bad relations with parents. If this situation does not suit any child, he may well fall into computer game addiction, where he is a protagonist, he is on top of success, he is a winner, ruler, and the first destroyer or creator, video game addiction essay. Next Essay on Conditions for student's cyber addiction prediction. Search for:. Our Benefits Professional Writers Plagiarism Free papers Friendly Customer Support Reasonable Prices. ORDER NOW. Free Extras Plagiarism FREE Papers FREE Title Page FREE Bibliography FREE Formatting FREE Delivery.

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In this regard, the child does not have spare time to get involved in other activities that are essential for human development. Unregulated access to video games by a child leads to serious social skill dysfunction in the child. In addition, the child may develop a violent tendency since most of the games depict violent achievements as glorifiable acts. Some of the most violent serial offenders have had to have a history of addictive video gaming Bruner, In addition, an individual may develop a strong willed personality inclined towards achievements that do not involve teaming up with other people.

Furthermore, an introvert kind of personality is likely to develop with excessive gaming. Video game addicts choose to stay indoors and engage other players in the virtual world of the gaming. These individuals lose touch of the reality and may have unrealistic views regarding the real world based on the virtual world that they are accustomed to. Once a person is engrossed with the imaginary achievements of virtual gaming, a tendency to avoid work is inevitable. The addicted individual will prefer playing a video game to attending to even the most basic chores that are obvious in a domestic environment. With time, this behavior becomes a deeply entrenched character of perpetual laziness.

Consequently, the person starts to regard himself as a failure in the real world. To compound the problem, after spending much time video gaming, the individual may gain mastery of the game. His achievements regarding the game considerably improve and he holds himself in high regard in the gaming world. Moreover, the player may outperform most of the online contenders and as a result become encouraged to continue with the game in pursuit of more challenges. Furthermore, the individual develops hypercompetitive psychological inclination considering that the virtual world in online gaming enables involvement of people from all over the world who together create an imaginary world Griffiths, The virtual worlds created by videogames are characterized by unrealistic speed and turn of events.

Patience and concentration may become significantly challenging in tackling real world issues. The poor performance in real world issues lead to a more focused approach in the gaming world Roberts, Furthermore, the individual may accumulate virtual wealth in the online gaming and use this money to buy tools that enable him or her to compete effectively against other players. Entrepreneurs, to siphon money from addicted players, exploit this concept of using virtual money in gaming. The virtual money used in the online virtual world can be obtained by purchasing it with the real money Consalvo, The purchased virtual currency is used to buy virtual accessories that are essential in the virtual world. In this way, the manufacturers of the game software financially cripple the addicted individual.

Another serious affliction of video game addiction is the distortion of the perception of ideological concepts. The adults are on busy schedules and they rarely have enough time to ensure that the children and teens get a balanced social life. Play and catching up with friends and family members is important for the social development of the children. When adults leave the children with their computers and laptops in their rooms, the children turn to gaming which in result becomes addictive. The supervisory role of adults is to ensure that they direct the actions of the children to the right direction. When the adults are rarely home and always busy at work or elsewhere, then children guide themselves and poor choices are made.

The culture of the digital era also affects the addiction rates and in dealing with gaming addiction. When everything is digitized, everything that the teens and the children do is mostly on their computers. Controlling what they do on the computers then becomes hard and they are therefore exposed to gaming which can lead to addiction. Many parents also report to feel torn between limiting the time children spend on their computers. When a child is socially awkward and is not doing well in any of the social circles, the adults believe that they may be better off spending time with virtual friends.

This applies to teens with friends who the parents consider to be bad influence or unnecessary risk takers. To avoid the children falling in the wrong crowds, parents prefer that the teens or children stay home as they can monitor their behavior from there. This becomes hard for the diagnosis and treatment of the gaming addiction. Parents also avoid getting into confrontations and arguments or the cold shoulders given by children when they are instructed to stop using the computer too much. This leads to children stuck on their computers playing games every free time they get. Therapy: video game addiction can result to teens and young adults feeling emotionally dependent on the video games in order for them to attain happiness and joy. There are various forms of therapy that include psychodynamic, behaviorism, cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, exercise programs and going cold turkey.

The gaming addict can therefore focus on something else other than gaming. Exercise is effective as it mimics the motions of the games which the gamer can relate to the game while at the same time keep off the computer. Exercise is also as exciting as gaming and also produces endorphins which assist in countering one of the primary causes of game addiction. Going cold turkey: This involves replacing gaming with other activities that could be painting, singing, sports or participating in a book club. It is usually difficult at the beginning but with time, the game addict is able to get their minds totally off the video games as they refocus their energies to other activities. Family therapy: This involves the involvement of the whole family in the therapy sessions. The role of the game addict in the family is assessed and the therapy sessions are structured around that.

The family therefore acts as a key to assisting the assist leave their gaming and engage in family routines. Cognitive behavioral therapy: The cognitive behavioral therapy CBT assesses the associations and the thought patterns of gaming addicts and tries to change such behaviors. An example is when a gaming addict thinks that they can only be accepted by their online characters and can only make friends online. CBT attempts to change the thinking of such patients and demonstrate to them that what they believe is not the case. Such unrelated issues can be unconscious problems and other early memories that affect the social behaviors of an addict which in turn drive them to online gaming. Dealing with the deeper problems is an intensive process which addresses the issues in all angles and in a more effective way.

Behaviorism: This involves interpreting a video game addiction as a strong association that is formed between gaming and gaining happiness and fulfillment in an individual. New associations are created by therapy thus replacing the unhealthy associations. Wilderness programmes: This involves removing the gaming addict from their normal settings to different environments. It involves going to camps and making tents. The different environments force the addicts to new situations where there are no games and they therefore have to live without the video games. Peer support: This involves peer support groups that assist addicts towards their recovery and protects their identities. They therefore have an opportunity to attempt to deal with their issues alone without having to involve close family.

In finding solutions, it is advised that parents should monitor the time the teens and the young adults spend on their computers. Playing video games should be made a weekend activity or it should be limited to certain hours and days. Staying active in the different hobbies that the children have is also given as a way of minimizing time spent on the computer. Making relations in the real world a priority is also a key in ensuring that the game addict is engaged in the outside real world. There are also other ways to treat addiction to gaming through various addiction centers. They advocate for 12 step programs that are usually developed specifically to deal with video game addictions. Many addicts admit that their gaming addictions ruined their school performances and family relationships.

Parents have less time with their kids who stay behind closed doors all day and night. When cautioned to stop they throw tantrums and give their parents cold shoulders. The children are not willing to take part in family events and in the chores. Meeting their cousins and other relatives become a task and they are not interested in knowing and interacting with extended family members. Different family chores assigned to them go undone that could include taking out trash or cleaning the dishes. The family should offer other alternatives to video games and supervise the young adults and teens in regard to what they do on their computers and the amount of time they spend.

Video gaming is addictive when the young adults and the teens spend a lot of time on their computers. Several issues arise due to the addictions which lead to social ineptness among other things. Families play a big role in the recovery of the addicts. When a person starts tolerating all the positive things due to gaming addiction in his life, then his mental health also starts to affect and it has been named addiction. Studies have also proved that people who are regular gamers have improved brain activity. Functioning refers to the ability to allocate mental capacity to individuals. Video games have improved attention and decision making skills.

Studies have proved that people who play video games are good at making better decisions. Often gamers are good at multi-tasking. Video games increase the speed and capacity of the brain to work. Negative Effects Aggressive thoughts and behavior Studies by The American Psychological Association have proved that children exposed to violent sports become more aggressive in thoughts and feelings. This resulted in several incidents. Lots of gaming players can overcome from social responsibilities and increase the chances of social isolation.

In addition, in the case of children it may increase the lack of interest in engaging in household chores, outdoor games and social activities. It is dangerous to be alone even in a virtual world. There are adverse health issues after addiction of video games. Risk of heart attack, obesity , and depression etc. are observed in some of them. There are health risks for children, such as video-induced seizures, muscle and skeletal disorders, etc. The amount of violence in video games is an important concern for parents. To help deal with this problem it is important to monitor the child. If a child plays a violent video game then the difference between the game and reality should be discussed. Children often become very involved in video games and do not want to stop playing them.

It is necessary to set solid boundaries about the time that can be spent playing the game and then apply these limits. Conclusion It is very important to avoid this kind of addiction; otherwise it can affect the personal life of an individual. Continually ignoring work or relationships is not beneficial in any way. Hence children can also be encouraged to play games with other children, as discussing strategies and problem solving in groups is a positive social activity. Even educational games should not be played much, as playing video games is not a substitute for positive social interaction or traditional education. Introduction According to a study, Internet gaming disorder is quite common in adolescent children between 12 and 20 years.

Even Internet gaming disorder cases are more prevalent in Asian countries than in North America and Europe. Although the American Psychological Association is studying the growing cases of Internet gaming addiction, so far it has not been included in the list of diseases. But given the speed with which Internet gaming addiction cases are increasing worldwide, experts fear that it will get the status of a disease soon. Attraction towards Video Games Exciting online games found on the Internet are now dominating the hearts and minds of children. Every second changing world and the thrill increasing moment by moment combination of music with colorful themes on the small screen of a computer or mobile, there is a virtual world, which allows the elders to fascinate.

Then small children are bound to be attracted to them. Addiction of Video Games It is easy to get caught in the Internet gaming addiction but it is very difficult to get out of it. According to experts, the addiction of playing games on the Internet not only makes children physically and mentally ill, but it is a big threat to the personality development of the child. More attention is paid to indoor games than outdoor games. That leads to obesity and many other disorders. The prohibition from outdoor games is making children physically weak and there is a problem of socialization among them.

Dangers of the Video Game Addiction Children who play Internet games for more time are reduced in the ability to focus and concentrate on their studies. The inclination of such children is mostly on negative models. Patience starts decreasing in children. Children want to accumulate power near their surrounding events. Self control is lost. Sometimes children become violent. Children start away from social life and prefer to live alone. Children fall prey to obesity and diabetes in a tender age. It is not that every child playing online games is a victim of gaming addiction.

Do not show songs or poem on mobile to keep the little ones busy. Let the children use the Internet only for the necessary work related to studies. Do not let internet games to be played for more than half an hour every day. Promote outdoor games. Keep an eye on what games a child plays on the Internet. Conclusion According to psychologist Dr. Pooja Shivam Jaitley, once a child becomes addicted to internet gaming, then it becomes difficult for the child to live without internet. Children insist on the Internet. Many times children become aggressive after parents refusal. If your child has symptoms of video game addiction, see a psychiatrist without delay. Take care of the child mentally and emotionally. But for the safe future of the child, let the growing children use the Internet as much as is necessary.

It should not happen that the addiction of internet gaming makes your child sick socially, physically and mentally. on Essay on Video Games Addiction.

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