Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Benefits of stem cell research essay

Benefits of stem cell research essay

If a person needs to have bone marrow replaced, it can only be replaced with bone marrow stem cells, which is the most successful use of stem cells to date. Secondly, stem cell leads a better treatment cure than any other treatment in the world because it can regenerate damaged tissues, benefits of stem cell research essay. While doing this, ten or more embryos are prepared, but only three or four are picked and implanted in the surrogate mother. Tobacco Essays. Privacy Policy CA Privacy Policy Site Map Advertise Cookie Settings. The simple solution to this is to donate the excess embryos to research. Aside of all the controversy and anger from opposed groups, many actually volunteer and support stem cell research.

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Sex Education Essays. Tobacco Essays. Scholarship Essays. Genetic Engineering Essays. Biodiversity Essays. A stem cell is something unique that can change for what the human body needs, that is why many countries around the world have invested in stem cells such as the US, China, South Korea and many more. Many people think that stem cell research is a risky situation and can lead to bad things, but I believe that without taking that risk, humans would never come this far. Write my paper. Firstly, a stem cell can help treat burn victims with their injuries. Therefore, stem cell plays a big role in healing a patients burn wounds and reduce the amount of pain.

Secondly, stem cell leads a better treatment cure than any other treatment in the world because it can regenerate damaged tissues, benefits of stem cell research essay. This potential could save lives or repair wounds and tissue damaged. In conclusion, scientists have used this idea to make new tissues. Stem cells are also used to replenish brain tissues and help control muscle movements. Lastly, stem cell also opens up for a variety of research areas in the medical field. For that reason stem cell is a topic that has a lot of potential treatment to a wide variety of conditions and brings a lot of research ideas. Also, stem cell leads a better treatment than any other due to having cells that can regenerate and repair itself after being damaged.

Many types of research have been done to determine if stem cell therapy may be useful to treat many kinds of conditions around the world and humans should take the risks to do everything in their power to continue this research and treat many diseases around the world. It benefits of stem cell research essay not reflect the quality of papers completed by our expert essay writers. To get a custom and plagiarism-free essay click here. We are glad that you like it, but you cannot copy from our website. Just insert your email and this sample will be sent to you. We will occasionally send you account related emails. In fact, there is a way to get an original essay! Turn to our writers and order a plagiarism-free paper. The Benefits Of Stem Cell Research. Category: HealthEducationScience Subcategory: MedicineLearningBiology Topic: Alternative MedicineResearchStem Cell Pages: 1 Words: Download.

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Along with the remarkable breakthroughs of medical research comes the cons that have derived from the practice. This includes nerve agents that have been used in chemical warfare. Medical research has the potential to be one of the greatest things that has ever happened to mankind or the worst. With every good product comes a controversial side. One issue that contains a good and bad side is stem cell research. Stem cell research could be one of the biggest breakthroughs in medical history. Although it could be the cure to a vast number of diseases, there are certain moral and ethical issues that come into play. With most public issues, there are two sides to the study of human embryonic stem cells.

However, to truly have an opinion, one has to understand what the study contains. The National Institute of Health says, " A stem cell is a cell that has the ability to divide self replicate for indefinite periods under the right conditions, or given the right signals, stem cells can give rise differentiate to the many different cell types that make up the organism. That is, stem cells have the potential to develop into mature cells that have characteristics, shapes and specialized functions, such as heart cells, skin cells, or nerve cells" Potential In simpler terms, scientists can reproduce certain types of cells that can be used to treat dying or malfunctioning organisms.

The main argument supporting this is the study of stem cells has not been proven to cure any diseases or create stable human tissue. Some say that the promise of embryonic research is based only on a conjecture Stem Research. With most controversial discoveries, the issue of ethics also comes into light. Pro-life groups have sued the U. S government over stem cell research. When the immune system is compromised, simple illnesses like the common cold can kill a person, and using stem cells to speed the process of rebuilding immunity has saved many lives. Umbilical stem cells have the same properties as adult stem cells and can only be used to treat specific conditions Stem cell research, This is due to the fact that stem cells in a fully formed human can only create the cells they are programmed to create.

If a person needs to have bone marrow replaced, it can only be replaced with bone marrow stem cells, which is the most successful use of stem cells to date. In , James Thomson, through the University of Wisconsin, discovered a method to force adult and umbilical stem cells to behave as embryonic stem cells and create any cell needed, called Induced Pluripotent stem cells. This method is currently not used to treat human diseases due to the fact that the patient would be more likely to develop tumors and cancer cells from these mutated stem cells Experiment Resources, While still in the experimental stages, embryonic stem cells show the most promise to curing diseases in humans Stem cell research, Since embryonic stem cells contain no preprogramming, scientists can use them to create any cell necessary for treatment.

By using embryonic stem cells it may be possible to clone your heart or other organ to be used during a life saving transplant which would reduce the risk of rejection to almost zero percent. Cancer could become a disease only read about in history books if embryonic stem cells were used as treatment. With the use of embryonic stem cells, brain and spinal cord injuries could be treatable, and possibly even fully reversible. Many types of research have been done to determine if stem cell therapy may be useful to treat many kinds of conditions around the world and humans should take the risks to do everything in their power to continue this research and treat many diseases around the world.

It does not reflect the quality of papers completed by our expert essay writers. To get a custom and plagiarism-free essay click here. We are glad that you like it, but you cannot copy from our website. Just insert your email and this sample will be sent to you. We will occasionally send you account related emails. In fact, there is a way to get an original essay! Turn to our writers and order a plagiarism-free paper. The Benefits Of Stem Cell Research. Category: Health , Education , Science Subcategory: Medicine , Learning , Biology Topic: Alternative Medicine , Research , Stem Cell Pages: 1 Words: Download. Related Topics Sex Education Essays Tobacco Essays Scholarship Essays Genetic Engineering Essays Biodiversity Essays.

Want to receive an original paper on this topic? Related essays Background Subtraction And The Median Filter As Methods Of Correcting For Lack Of Contrast And Noise Essay 2 Pages Words.

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