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English model essays

English model essays

Great Post!!! Hello teacher jenny ho. The diversity in nature and the rich Buddhist culture provide a suitable environment for tourism. It is a common sight english model essays any school, english model essays. Then how can this crime be prevented? Last year at a school in Detroit, teachers allegedly provided their students with answers to statewide standard tests. Good sportsmanship is a top human quality that remains in one's life till death.

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It's helpful, thanks for sharing. Sorry my English is bad Post a Comment. Labels Catch Us If You Can 2 journal writing 5 model essays 1 Novel 1 Past Year Questions 4 Poems 3 Trial Exam 1 vocab 10 WRITING Tuesday, October 14, Excellent model essays. There are many excellent essays written by my students which might be helpful to you as you prepare for your exam. Friends by Manu Menon Friends are people whom we turn to when our spirits need a lift. They are always by our side through thick and thin. They stand beside us even when our disposition is not perfectly right and will fight for us if we are oppressed. Therefore, it is clear that friends play a vital role in shaping who we are today.

But what qualities exactly do we need to look for in a friend? A friend should always be caring towards you. He or she should take interest in your problems no matter how big or petty your problem may be. A friend should be able to sit beside you and encourage you to keep your chin up even when everyone else is against you. Apart from that, a friend should be an honest person. An honest friend will dissipate any worries that he or she is lying towards you. For example, an honest friend will remand you on your declining grades and will ask you to work harder while a dishonest friend will see it with a blind eye.

Therefore, an overall improvement in yourself will be noticeable if you have an honest friend. Moreover, a friend should be generous both emotionally and knowledge wise. A friend who is generous ought to be able to connect with you and provide emotional support. He or she should also be generous when it comes to sharing knowledge. A true friend must be ever-ready to help you when you are inept in certain subjects. A friend can easily guide you towards understanding the subject matter better as he or she is often on the same page as you. Besides that, a friend must also be able to humour you.

Humour plays a quintessential role in making your day more lively and enjoyable. Friends who pull your leg and mess about will indefinitely make life seem so much better. As they say, laughter is the best medicine and a little levity on rainy days is always welcomed. In conclusion, friends are people we spend most of our time with. Thus, we have to be selective when it comes to choosing our friends. Posted by jenho at Tuesday, October 14, Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest.

Labels: WRITING. Newer Post Older Post Home. Most probably China will rule the world in the year Man will speak only one language. It will be Mandarin. As a result there won't be any war in the world. Scientists will be able to make astonishing discoveries. They will invent flying cars. Man will fly freely in the sky. They will tour in other planets and make holiday resorts on the moon. Children will not go to school in the year as they do today. They will learn at home using the internet. Future children will use e-books and e-pens for writing. The children will be more intelligent than today. However as they spend most of their time with electronic gadgets they will be less sociable than the child today.

Man's life span will exceed The future man will enjoy better health facilities. They will be free from AIDS and many other deadly diseases like cancer. Man will not cook food. Instead they will take food pills for all the three meals. So future houses will not have a kitchen. Sadly most of the animals we see today will disappear forever from the planet earth. But scientists will be able to bring back to life some of the extinct animals like dinosaurs. The world in the year will be a wonderful place to live. A challenge is an experience that one has never faced before. Challenges are an important part of everyday life.

Challenges keep us living. The success of one's life depends on how one faces challenges. Challenges come in different forms. For one it could be winning a game. For another it could be overcoming an economic problem. For a student it could be passing an exam with flying colours. Forms of challenges change depending on age , gender , society etc. Challenges never end. They come one after the other. They are like the seasons. Challenges come rolling after us till death. What is more important is facing up to the challenges.

Some people quit their challenges. They even commit suicide being unable to face up to the challenges. Facing up to the challenges depends on one's personality. One may fail in facing up to a challenge. But failures teach us more lessons. So, challenges make us strong. They help us lead a successful life. Challenges are blessings in disguise. There are different forms of entertainment. Music , drama , dancing and watching live games are some of them. Story telling is also a popular form of entertainment. With the advent of technology forms of entertainments also have changed drastically.

Among the many forms of entertainment watching dramas is an old form of entertainment. It is still a popular form of entertainment around the world. In a drama, actors and actresses play different roles of a story on a stage as the audience watches it. Films are also a popular form of entertainment. It is a modern form of entertainment. The audience watches a film on a screen. Films use modern technology to hold the attention of the audience. Music is a form of entertainment closer to people than any other. It is an old form of entertainment. Today musical shows use technology to the maximum. Man always seeks some of form of entertainment to break the monotony of life. Forms of entertainment could vary from person to person.

However , they help man enjoy his life. Trees, animals , water , air etc are parts of the environment. Any harm done to environment is called pollution. This is a major threat to all the living beings. Human activity is the major cause of environmental pollution. There are four forms of environment pollution. They are water pollution, air pollution , sound pollution and land pollution. Environment pollution occurs in all these four forms. The rapid growth of population poses a big threat to environment. With the increasing population basic human needs also increase. The basic human needs are food, housing , clothes etc. When man tries to satisfy his needs damage to environment cannot be prevented.

Expansion of agricultural lands, industrialization , clearing of forest lands for development purposes etc. are some other causes of environmental pollution. Smoke from vehicles and factories , industrial waste and war also cause serious damage to environment. Environmental pollution is a major problem in the modern world. As a result of pollution both man and animal fall ill. Already some animal and plant species have totally disappeared from the planet earth as a result of pollution. The world is facing a drinking water problem, too. Climatic changes also occur due to pollution. So man needs to find urgent solutions for environmental pollution. Recycling of waste is just one such solution.

Beside all these our younger generation must be properly educated. Strict rules and regulations must also be introduced. Every living being needs a healthy environment for living. Destruction of environment is equal to killing ourselves. Everybody should think of simple living. It has more advantages than disadvantages for life. The benefits of simple living cannot be explained in just a few sentences. We should observe simplicity in life in our day-today activities like taking food, clothes , speech etc. Simplicity in food helps us lead a healthy life. It saves us from a large number of diseases. Today most people suffer from various non communicable diseases like diabetes , high blood pressure , cancer etc. due to wrong food habits. Eating fast food in family restaurants has become a trend today.

People spend lavishly on oily junk food and finally line up at medical centers. They rarely look at the green leaves in the home garden which are nutritious and life saving. Besides food, there should be simplicity in clothes, too. Today people spend a lot of money on clothes. Though clothes are essential for man for covering the body and to be attractive there is no need to run after various fashions like mad dogs. We should spend according to our means. Sometimes people spend more on clothes than on food or education. We should build a simple cute house for living. It must be a place where we can enjoy our life. People start building up houses beyond their means and suffer through out life being unable to complete them during their life time. Some people fill their houses with unnecessary furniture and electronic gadgets.

We should have at home only what is essential for simple living. We should be simple in our speech and manners, too. We should be polite in our speech as much as possible. Our speech must be decorated with kind and honest words. Most of the great people and intellectuals led a simple and a happy life. The life of the Gauthama Buddha, The Prophet Mohammad , The Jesus Christ, Gandhi etc. were some of them. The secret of their success in life is simple living. Simple living is a blessing for life. It is the best solution for most of our problems. Wealth means money. A healthy person is a wealthy person. He has money because he can work hard and earn money. Such a person doesn't have to see the doctor. A healthy body has a healthy mind.

In other words, a healthy student can learn well. He attends school regularly. He can burn midnight oil and hit the books. He can think well. He never misses his lessons. Therefore a healthy child is a clever child. What can one do to be healthy? We should eat healthy food for a healthy life. We should avoid junk food and eat a balanced diet. Good eating habits keep us healthy and wealthy. They prevent us from being ill. We also should not skip our main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Regular exercises are also a part of a healthy life. Our body needs exercises. So, we should exercise at least once a week.

Lack of exercises expose one to many illnesses like diabetes , obesity , high blood pressure etc. A healthy person is always happy. He works very hard and earns money. A healthy person can enjoy long life. He has wealth for a long happy life. So man uses different sources for knowledge. Books , internet and newspapers are the most common sources of knowledge. Dictionaries, folk lore , historical ruins etc. are also sources of knowledge. Books are the most important source of knowledge. We get knowledge mainly from books. It is the oldest source of knowledge. They say a well-read man is a walking library. There are different kinds of books like religious books, literary texts , history books etc. Among the many sources of knowledge the internet plays a bigger role in the modern society.

It is the easiest and the fastest way to get knowledge. One can surf the internet for knowledge at a click. One can read newspapers , books , encyclopedias etc. on the internet. Then there are many different web sites which are rich in valuable information. Newspapers are a popular source of information. We can know what is happening around the world from newspapers. Newspapers update our knowledge. A newspaper contains something for everyone in the family. Historical ruins are also a lesser known source of knowledge. One can learn about the past and the way of life of the people and the society at that time from historical ruins.

The television is also a source of knowledge. It is closer to people than any other source of knowledge. The television is the most popular source of knowledge among the people. Sources of knowledge contribute immensely to the progress of mankind. They educate people on different matters. Today people always think 'knowledge is power'. This is mainly due to modern technology. Technology is a part of science. Science means knowledge. Scientists gather knowledge through various experiments and observations. How scientific knowledge is used practically is called technology.

Modern technology offers us many facilities. It mainly makes our work easy. The computer is the best example for this. Technology has turned the world upside down. We cannot do most of our work without technology. Technology has become an important part of human life. Modern technology makes our work accurate. It helps us save our time and money. The best example is the cellular phone. We can contact anyone anywhere in the world by just pushing a button. Man has been able to save many lives thanks to the development in medical technology. Today very few die of diseases. Hospitals are equipped with modern technology. However, modern technology has disadvantages, too.

It makes people physically inactive. Today most people are lazy to work because of technology. People hand over everything to machines and they have nothing to do. Technology does not leave any room for man to think. It gradually blunts man's creativity. Technology is also a cause of unemployment. Unemployment is the cause of social unrest. Environment pollution is also due to modern technology. It is one of the biggest issues man has to face in this era. It has grown to such a magnitude that already certain animal and plant species have completely disappeared from the earth.

Modern technology has become a necessary evil in the modern society. Public property means the facilities we enjoy in common. Public property belongs to all of us. Every citizen in the country pays for building up and maintaining public property. Public transport services, schools , bus halts , roads etc. are a few examples for public property. The government collects money in the form of taxes to build and maintain public property. So, everyone pays for public property. Therefore, there is a collective responsibility to protect public property. People have many benefits from public property. For example, the public transport services help us travel anywhere in the country. Most people do not belong personal vehicles for travelling. The bus halts shelter you from the sun and rain.

The public hospitals save people from many illnesses. Schools and universities educate the young and create the workforce for developing the country. The street lights help us at night. Unfortunately, some people do not understand the value of protecting public property. They do not understand the fact that every citizen has a duty by them to protect public property. They vandalize public property. The vandals do not understand that all the citizens have to pay for it. Then how can we protect public property? Specially the teenagers must be educated on public property.

There must be strict rules to protect public property. The schools can play a big role in protecting public property. Damaging public property can be an individual act, but its cost has to be borne by everyone. Discipline means good conduct. When you have discipline you have self control. Discipline is an essential part of human life. In fact, discipline makes the difference between man and animal. We cannot work smoothly without discipline. Discipline makes people obey rules. Lack of discipline encourages bad behaviour and violence.

True discipline is a quality that comes within a person. Law imposes a code of conduct on people. Law is created and enforced by the government. There are law enforcing authorities. People obey the law for fear of punishments. In other words, law forces people to be disciplined. That is why some people look for the loop holes in the system of law to escape punishments. Hence, true discipline cannot be achieved only through laws. Law does not address the attitudes and emotions of people. Parents and elders are the first people who introduce discipline. It is a tradition that comes down generations. Home is the first place one practices discipline. Schools and religious places also play a significant role in disciplining a person.

Discipline is a long complex training. It is not enforced on people. It is basically self-enforced. Discipline is associated with culture , gender , age , religion , profession etc. Discipline changes the attitudes of people. The end result of discipline is good behaviour. Finally discipline creates a law abiding citizen. Sajendra Kumara 24 Good Sportsmanship Good sportsmanship is one of the most valuable life lessons one can learn from sports. It is a quality that any sportsperson can cultivate while enjoying the sports experience. There should be a good winner and a good loser in a game.

A good sportsman accepts both victory and defeat in the same spirit. Victory and defeat are parts of any game. Today loser can be tomorrow's winner. A good sportsman should understand this reality. Following the rules of the game is another great sportsmanship quality. One has to play fair and win the game. The true value of victory lies in fair play. This practice leads one to be a loyal citizen. Respecting each other is another good sportsmanship quality. It is an important thing to show respect to other players. It is a great human quality, too.

Some other qualities of good sportsmanship are respecting the judges, accepting the final judgments , not getting into heated arguments , working in unity and ending the game with a hand shake. Good sportsmanship is a top human quality that remains in one's life till death. A hobby is something we do for fun. In the past, people had only a few forms of entertainment. The words 'television' and 'radio' were not in our vocabulary. There was no cinema. So, most people enjoyed reading. They had fun by reading. As a result, the world could see many great writers; and classics we still enjoy.

People select books depending on their taste and age. For example, small children have fun by reading fairy tales. Young children enjoy reading adventure stories. The young also enjoy reading romantic stories. Older people have fun by reading books on serious themes. People have fun by reading different materials. People have fun by reading novels , poetry collections , newspapers , story books etc. One never feel time passing when one reads a good book. A good book is a good friend. It takes us away from busy life. Reading takes us to a world of imagination.

Reading makes us forget the problems of life. Hence, reading is always for fun. We also can improve our knowledge by reading books. As students we need a lot of reading. It helps our education. A well read student is a successful student. Reading is a useful pastime. It helps us have fun and broaden our horizons. I was shocked to hear that all the schools would be closed till further notice. The government declared an island-wide curfew. Some people said that the country was 'locked down'. I did not understand anything at first. Later, my parents explained me everything. It was done to protect the country from the deadly corona virus.

The schools were closed while we were preparing for the first term test. However, I had a glimmer of happiness because I thought that the schools would be reopened before the end of April. So, I started working hard for the term test. But after about one week I had to give up my hopes. The situation in the country and the world was turning from bad to worse. More corona patients started reporting from the country; to add to it , there were some deaths, too. Soon, teachers started sending loads of work on whatsApp and other social media. I had a lot of work to do. Some teachers taught us online, too. It was a new experience to me. Before long, I got used to the new environment. Sometimes, I helped my parents in the garden. Father made some vegetable beds. We cultivated brinjals, chilli , long beans , tomato etc.

I enjoyed working in the garden. We did not go out for the new year. Mother made some sweetmeats and milk rice. However, we did not have any new clothes for the new year. I wished all my friends and relations on the telephone. Children had many programmes on TV. I watched most of them. My parents always encouraged me to read books. Sometimes, it was boring. I felt that I was a prisoner at home. I watched news on all the channels at night. I just wanted to know when the schools would be reopened. I was looking forward to hearing that breaking news. The course of mankind changes from time to time.

Sometimes it is due to war ; sometimes it is due to natural disasters ; and sometimes due to sudden outbreaks of illnesses. These events , in whatever form they appear , are turning points in the journey of human race. The corona pandemic is the most recent global disaster man has to face. Corona or the Covid is a deadly virus which attacks human respiratory system. Mostly elderly people become a victim of this deadly virus. The Covid killer started its journey from China; it killed thousands of people within a short time causing fear and panic around the world.

It is swiftly spreading around the world at the moment bringing the whole world to a virtual standstill. Over countries have gone into lock down. The virus ,ironically, has dealt heavy blows on 'super-powers'.

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