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Romeo and juliet comparison essay

Romeo and juliet comparison essay

This essay was written by romeo and juliet comparison essay fellow student. In Zeffirelli's film, Romeo, Leonard Whiting, is oblivious to Tybalt's challenge and when he is called a "Villain" he does not seem fazed, while Tybalt, played by Michael York, is extremely perplexed. We even see the apothecary scene which is deleted from the '68 version. The conflict for Romeo is revenge for his friend's death. com, Nov 17, Romeo and Juliet Compare and Contrast Essay. Shakespeare's way of writing stunned many people for decades and still to this day; we haven't fully grasped how powerful and how significant his writing style is.

How to cite Comparison Between the Characters Romeo and Juliet essay

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to revive old traditions from the past and appreciate them in our modern and exponential times. However, there still are possibilities to cherish some of the archaic literature today that were written so long ago. Celebrated as one of the greatest dramas of all time, Romeo romeo and juliet comparison essay Juliet depicts a tragedy romeo and juliet comparison essay two lovers who come from feuding families. The play was first written in the s by William Shakespeare. Almost four-hundred years later, the tragic play was made into a movie in by Franco Zeffirelli. There are similarities in props and scenes, and distinctions between the original play and the movie considering the moods and plot details.

Either way, the play and the movie both have glorious presentations. As for the mood, there a few differences between the two versions of the tragedy. In the dialogue of marriage in the play, Romeo and Juliet are serious and sedate, romeo and juliet comparison essay. In a marriage, the bride and groom are to be romeo and juliet comparison essay and patient because it is an important step in their lives, and the play shows this kind of character. The movie does not portray this realistic kind of character. This part destroyed the sad and mischievous mood of the scene. Order custom essay Romeo and Juliet Compare and Contrast Essay with free plagiarism report.

The play also could have used some help because it felt like the characters lacked some expression unlike the movie, but I cannot criticize which one was better because the play is the way it is to be. One thing that the movie and the play collaborated together, were the props and scenes. Full of old-fashioned dresses and rocky buildings, both productions have a very s mood, romeo and juliet comparison essay. Aside from the moods of the play, some of the plot details have been left out in both the movie production and the play. The play does a good job of explaining why Romeo was upset with Rosaline. The movie-viewers are confused up to why Romeo is upset. The viewers would be confused at a point when watching the play because they would not know if Romeo and Juliet get married or not.

One thing that seemed constant and realistic in the movie is the number of deaths in the tragedy. The play shows the tragedy of six deaths, while the movie shows only four deaths. One of the goals that most movie-makers have in order to make a successful movie is to leave the audience on happy note and not depressed. Unlike from Shakespeare, who wanted to express dramatic, tragic, romeo and juliet comparison essay, and young love, Zeffirelli did what was best for the audience and plot of the movie by decreasing the number of deaths in his production. Plus, I do appreciate the fact that the movie actually follows the play, unlike other movie productions of stories. The plot details in the scenes seemed pretty constant overall.

The tragedy tells a legend about two young lovers who come from long-rivaling families. InFranco Zeffirelli made this play into a movie, after realizing the beauty of this tragedy. However, there are similarities and difference between the two production like mentioned earlier. Nevertheless, the original play and the movie tend to be some of the greatest classics to be told. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Romeo and Juliet Compare and Contrast Essay.

Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Sep 28, Accessed January 7, comSep Envision the moment when a young man meets eyes with a beautiful girl and falls in love right there and then. When his life is only worth living if she. Sierra Davenport Mr. Gingery CP English 1 6 March Romeo and Juliet Tragedy of Fate or Tragedy of Character Romeo and Juliet is a story of a forbidden love. Here in Romeo and Juliet the story starts off with two people from different families who don't like each other. Romeo falls in love with Rosaline a girl he's only. William Shakespeare is an English poet and play right. His plays mainly consisted of comedies, history, romeo and juliet comparison essay, and tragedies.

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a play written by William. His short-sightedness, irresponsible decisions and incompetent actions all contributed. Love is presented right. The reason for its fame is that not only is it. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. PhD Essay Literature Books Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Compare and Contrast Essay. Order original essay sample specially for your assignment needs, romeo and juliet comparison essay. get custom essay. Romeo and Juliet Critical Essay. Essay type Compare And Contrast. Essay on Romeo and Juliet Tragedy of Character or Tragedy of Fate? Summary of Romeo and Juliet essay. Romeo and Juliet Tragic Hero Essay. Essay Summary of Romeo and juliet comparison essay and Juliet. Different Themes in the Book Romeo and Juliet Essay.

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The Nurses speech about how she weaned Juliet and the reference to the earthquake are omitted. The affection that is so apparent in the Zeffirelli version is non-existent in the MTV version. This changes the character of Juliet considerably. She is perceived as more isolated and alone from the very beginning. We see her as a teen that does not have someone to confide in other than God. When the Nurse tells her to commit bigamy, we do not get the same sense of betrayal as we do with the Zeffirelli version. There Juliet was extremely pained and had to take a stand for herself, by herself, for the first time in her life. As the Nurse is Juliet's confidant, the Friar is Romeo's trusting friend. Pete Postiethwaite plays a tattoo bearing, Jerry Garcia-like horticulturist who is Romeo's only confidant.

Milo O'Shea's version of the Friar is very sympathetic and caring. He only has the best of intentions in mind. Friar Lawrence is very important to Romeo. The Friar is the one who guides him and also picks him up when he is down. Even though both Friars are different in appearance and personality , I believe they both portray a very sympathetic, caring friend to both Romeo and Juliet. The Friar may ultimately be the one to blame, but he only led Romeo and Juliet because he believed their union would bring the feuding families together. I believe both played a regretful Friar when it all ended. The '96 version shows Friar Lawrence frantically tracking the express letter. He is sweating and projects urgency into his voice, albeit his role in the church is omitted.

In the '68 version, when the Friar sees the Page outside the tomb, he frantically rushes to Juliet's side. He is careful with Juliet but in the end must abandon her to escape blame. Once again Juliet is abandoned. The most dynamic conflict is between Tybalt and Romeo. Tybalt is not nearly as literate or well spoken as Romeo, plus he harbors much hate for Romeo. In both films we get the sense that Tybalt might be aware of Romeo's and Juliet's love during Capulets party, even though it is not played out any farther, but may be the fuel for Tybalt's challenge.

In Zeffirelli's film, Romeo, Leonard Whiting, is oblivious to Tybalt's challenge and when he is called a "Villain" he does not seem fazed, while Tybalt, played by Michael York, is extremely perplexed. He does not understand why he is not getting a reaction from Romeo. He came ready to fight, and when Romeo does not face his challenger, Tybalt tries to provoke Romeo by slapping his hand away and smelling his own, as if Romeo has a stench. But Romeo is still not provoked, and his friend Mercutio steps up to the plate for him. The fight between Mercutio and Tybalt is light hearted and playful. The crowd is laughing and cheering them on. The only one who sees the seriousness is Romeo, who is trying to stop them. Once Mercutio is killed, Romeo is fueled and goes after Tybalt.

The conflict for Romeo is revenge for his friend's death. The fight between Romeo and Tybalt takes on a much more serious tone; the crowd is no longer cheering and laughing. The anger and hatred show in both characters. They are fighting till the end. In Luhrmann's version, Tybalt, played by John Leguizamo, is very much like a gang member whose mind is set on destroying Romeo. He appears much more dangerous and dark and looming. When Romeo, De Caprio, appears, he is instantly aware of Tybalt's hatred and is concerned for both their safeties. Tybalt is determined to go after Romeo, whether or not Romeo wants to fight.

When Romeo tries to shake his hand, Tybalt slaps it away and attacks Romeo from behind when Romeo starts to walk away. Romeo keeps yelling to stop, he does not want to fight, but Tybalt is relentless. It isn't until Mercutio steps in that the scene changes to their fight and Mercutio's death. Mercutio's death is what fuels Romeo to fight and go after Tybalt. It is highly emotional and charged. Romeo is aware of his consequences if he goes farther, but Tybalt pushed him to the limit. Then he kills Tybalt. De Caprio instantly regrets his actions. The setting for Zeffirelli's film is in classical Verona. The set has many domineering walls and tons of concrete.

It gives the feeling of coldness. The only warmth is the balcony scene, with the trees and soft lighting. The setting keeps the audience's attention on the actors and helps them to see the actors as Shakespeare may have directed them. In Luhrmann's version, the town is called Verona, but resembles downtown Los Angeles more than Italy. The set is current and up to date. It did not try to recreate Shakespeare, but rather, to show how Shakespeare evolves. The physical location of this film helps to understand the story better. It uses our own experiences and our own visual setting, and even though the language is still hard to understand, the setting brings it all together. Luhrmann handles the death scene very differently from the text and Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet. Luhrmann's version is much more intense and more tragic.

It begins with Romeo, De Caprio, fleeing from the cops. There is a lot of action, with noise and intense music , to keep the audience in suspense. For example in Act V, when the Prince gave his final speech, Friar Laurence was supposed to be present to give his own confession, but was left out by Zeffirellis version. This left the explanation of why the lovers were truly dead for the watchers to question. Shakespeare had Montague raise a statue in Juliets honor, signifying the end of their feud. Zeffirelli, on the other hand, chose only to show the two lords together making for a weaker end. The omission of characters from important scene was not the only change noted between the two. Zeffirelli also took poetic license in the creation of Romeo and Juliet.

He gave his lines to characters when in Shakespeare they were spoken by another. This was shown during the party scene, Act I, scene V when Lord Capulet was to rebuke Tybalt and call him……. saucy boy……… The line was instead given to Lady Capulet. This exchange of lines between the characters does not always help in the understanding of the story. The use of adding lines to characters created different personalities and gave the characters greater insight than in Shakespeares version. It added in helping understand the characters motives more. Zeffirelli also had some positive differences than that of Shakespeare. Since the setting was in the same time period as Shakespeares rendition the reader could visualize the environment and dress of the era.

This made the characters and story more life-like than trying to picture it from a written page. Zeffirelli also fleshed-out the characters, giving them more depth and emotion than in Romeo and Juliet. This is shown when the nurse goes to Juliet and finds her dead. She runs out of Juliets chamber screaming and flailing her arms in a frenzy. The audience was able to interact with the characters and their emotions by seeing Romeo and Juliet visually, also making the language more understandable. An example of this is when Romeo kills himself and Juliet sees him, hears guards, and you are able to see Juliet frantic. As a result of this, the scene is made more complete, causing the audience to experience greater tension than reading the play. However, there are similarities and difference between the two production like mentioned earlier.

Nevertheless, the original play and the movie tend to be some of the greatest classics to be told. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Romeo and Juliet Compare and Contrast Essay. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Sep 28, Accessed January 7, com , Sep Envision the moment when a young man meets eyes with a beautiful girl and falls in love right there and then. When his life is only worth living if she. Sierra Davenport Mr. Gingery CP English 1 6 March Romeo and Juliet Tragedy of Fate or Tragedy of Character Romeo and Juliet is a story of a forbidden love,. Here in Romeo and Juliet the story starts off with two people from different families who don't like each other.

Romeo falls in love with Rosaline a girl he's only. William Shakespeare is an English poet and play right. His plays mainly consisted of comedies, history, and tragedies. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a play written by William. His short-sightedness, irresponsible decisions and incompetent actions all contributed. Love is presented right. The reason for its fame is that not only is it.

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