CFCs are used in propellants, foaming agents, aerosol sprays, solvents, and coolants in freezers and refrigeratorshalons, As science advances, we will be able to simulate what other variants affect the ozone layer, not just the ones we know are harmful. Acid rain essay on ozone layer also contaminate drinking water, essay on ozone layer, damage vegetation, and destroy sealife. Master's or higher degree. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Once up there, ODS is well dampened by the sturdy ultraviolet light and therefore the resultant chemical is chlorine and bromine.
Essay on Ozone Layer Depletion in English
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The earth being much cooler than the sun, remits radiation most strongly atinfrared wavelengths. Water vapor, carbon dioxide and ozone essay on ozone layer absorb much ofthis radiation and remit a large proportion back towards the earth. The termed greenhouse effect implies that a comparable effect keepsthe interior of the green house warm. Actually, the man role of the glass in agreen house is to prevent convection currents from mixing cooler air outsidewith the warmer air inside. Although water is the most essay on ozone layer factor in the greenhouse effect, isa major reason why human regions experience less cooling at night than do dryregions.
Changes in both water and carbon dioxide play an important role inclimate changes. For this reason many scientist have expressed concerns overthe global increase of carbon dioxide in resent decades, largely as a result ofthe burring of fossil fuels. Because warm air can containwarm water before reaching saturation than cooler air can, the essay on ozone layer of waterwould probably increase as the atmosphere got warmer. This process could go onforever. Although this considered unlikely many negative feed backs could as sooccur, such as increase in cloud cover or increase carbon dioxide absorptionby the oceans, the results of even a limited rise in average surface temperatureremains sufficiently dramatic to justify concern.
Shortly there after the National Academy of Sciences issued its own report, inwhich the matter of irreversibility remain more in question. Both reports,however, strongly indicated the need for measures to check the rise in carbondioxide, essay on ozone layer. Climate researchers areattempting to predict, based on ocean and air circulation, how great an increasethere will be. If global warming continues then the polar ice caps will melt andmost of the earth will be flooded and a lot of lives will be lost. The Ozone is located in the stratosphere, approximately 10 km — 50 kmabove the earth. The density of ozone gas at zero degrees Celsius is 1 ATM. The Ozone is relatively unstable form of molecular oxygen containing threeoxygen atoms O.
Ozone is produced when upper-atmosphere oxygenmolecules O are broken apart by ultra-violet light. The only method used to make commercially is to pass gaseous oxygen or airthrough a high voltage alternating-current electric discharge called a silentelectric discharge. It is created from industrial, transportation, and some naturalsources. It is the most noxious component of smog. All high concentration, 0is known to reduce human lung capacity, as well as damage the cells of manyplants, animals, and other organisms. For these reasons, ozone is treated asand air pollutant in most industrial countries. Furthermore, O in the uppertroposphere is a powerful greenhouse gas and is believed to play a role inglobal warming. On the other hand, ozone in the stratosphere is highly valued.
Itserves as a protective radiation shield that interprets solar ultraviolet lightharmful to living things. Ultraviolet light splits the relatively unstable Omolecules into O and atomic O. Most of the time, the O atom created by Ozonebreakup recombines with one of the plentiful O molecules to re-form O. ThisOzone-creation process is constantly at work producing more ozone. In general, biologists and healthprofessionals recognize that life on earth enveloped under the protection of anozone layer thick enough to remove much of the UV-B solar radiation known todamage cellular organisms.
Accordingly, various organisms—including humans—may have difficult adjusting to the higher UV-B levels resulting from a thinnerozone Layer. Medical studies have quantified some of the expected effects ofincreased UV-B levels, based on real-life information form people exposed togreater than average UV-B levels—populations living at high altitudes and inthe tropics, where the average ozone layer is thinner and the sunlight moredirect. The most serious medical effects include increased incidence ofcataracts and skin cancer, as well as evidence of weakened immune-systemresponse.
Ecological research indicated that some crop yields will decrease anddisruption in marine food chains may occur. A weakened ozone layer may also case climatological effects. Thestratosphere warms with altitude because the splitting of stratospheric ozone iscaused by ultraviolet photons, which contain much more energy than that requiredto break the O-O bond. This extra energy is converted to heat. Ozone can be destroyed by chemicals that react directly with it, or bythose that react with the oxygen atom temporarily freed whenever an o moleculebreaks apart.
In the last few years, various human activities have released ozone -destroying chemicals into the atmosphere. Of Particular importance are halogenatoms — chlorine and bromide. Chemicals release into the ozone by industrialparticles include chlorocarbon compounds such as CCL and CHI CL ,chloroflucarbon compounds CFCs and halon compounds. Chlorocarcon compounds are used primarily as industrial solvents,degreasing compounds, and CFC precursors. The CFCs are used as working fluidsin refrigeration and air conditioning units. Aerosol propellant agents. TheHalons are used as fire suppressants. Essay on ozone layer in the stratosphere, essay on ozone layer, all thesechlorine and bromine containing compounds are broken apart by solar ultravioletradiation, releasing their Cl or Br atoms.
These atoms start the process ofOzone destruction. Each Chlorine of Bromine atom that starts the destructioncycle can destroyozone molecules. There are on the other hand naturalozone depletes such as volcanic eruptions. A hole in the Ozone has emerged because of all of the depletion. Starting in the spring essay on ozone layera massive 8. Forthe past 16 years the hole has grown larger. There was a theory that predictedthat the most severe O loss would occur relatively high in the stratosphereabove 30 km. In fact the largestdepletion over Antarctica occurred in the middle range between 13 and 21 km.
Atmospheric chlorine and bromine levels are expected to peak around There are currently steps being made to essay on ozone layer the ozone. One suchstep is the Montreal Protocol on substances that harmed the ozone, essay on ozone layer. Essay on ozone layer people are waking up to this serious problem; as well they should. Themore ozone that is destroyed the more UVA rays and UVB rays that reach the earth. It is hypothesized that by the year if depletion continues at the currentrate that no living organism will be able to survive on on earth unless theyare underwater. Ozone is debatibly the most important thin known man. The survival ofthe human race is really dependent upon the ozone layer.
If we keep using thesedangerous chemicals, such as CFC, found in arisol cans, we could ultimatlydestroy the ozone layer. If we destroy the ozone layer then we are reallykillling ourselves. If the ozone layer is destroyed then powerful ultriviolentrays will penitrate the earth and everyone would get skin cancer and eventuallydie. I hope organizations will continue to work to prevent the distruction ofozone because I would like to see man survive for a while. Hi there, essay on ozone layer, would you like to get such an essay? How about receiving a customized one? Check it out goo. Home Page Science Chemistry Ozone The Ozone Layer Essay, essay on ozone layer. The Ozone Layer Essay. Related Essays.
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Water vapor, carbon dioxide and ozone then absorb much ofthis radiation and. Sherrie Hood.
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This will lead to the decline of harmful pollutants being produced by humans. Moreover, there is only a minute number of nations that have not signed the Montreal Protocol, which means the majority of the world are following the regulations of the Montreal Protocol. There has also been an increase of support for a greener and healthier environment. There have only been positive reactions from people and the environment and does not show possible negative effects or reactions. By the information given. Get Access. Good Essays. Environment's Effect On Our Environment And Pollution In Our Society Words 3 Pages. Environment's Effect On Our Environment And Pollution In Our Society. Read More. Satisfactory Essays.
Effects Of Ozone Pollution Words 2 Pages. Effects Of Ozone Pollution. Better Essays. What´s The Ozone Layer? Depleting Ozone and Its Effect on Society Words 3 Pages 3 Works Cited. Depleting Ozone and Its Effect on Society. Death Of A Planet Words 3 Pages 2 Works Cited. Death Of A Planet. Ozone Depletion Words 2 Pages. Ozone Depletion. Ozone Words 3 Pages. Depletion of the Ozone Layer Words 2 Pages. Depletion of the Ozone Layer. Ozone Layer Depletion Essay Words 3 Pages. Ozone Layer Depletion Essay. Chlorofluorocarbons Essay Words 3 Pages. Chlorofluorocarbons Essay. Related Topics. Chlorofluorocarbon Montreal Protocol Atmosphere Ozone.
People began to worth the importance of the ozonosphere once scientists discharged an inquiry finding suggesting that bound human-made chemicals referred to as chlorofluorocarbons managed to succeed in the layer and depleted the ozone via a profound series of chemical reactions. The results of this analysis study prompted the language of a worldwide pact called the Montreal Protocol in This written agreement helped with the reduction of the assembly of those harmful human-made chemicals. These targeted efforts have seen the ozonosphere convalescent over the past years.
The thickness of the ozonosphere varies vastly on any day and placement. Because of relentless vertical part air circulation in each of the stratosphere and layer, the quantity of ozonosphere shielding humans from sturdy ultraviolet rays is often lesser or larger. Additionally, those residing in higher elevations are in danger of ultraviolet radiation than those at lower elevations. Stratospheric gas plays an enormous role in protecting humans from the harshness of the sun. In some people, it will result in complications in respiratory and infrequently takes place throughout summer once pollution is rampant in cities wherever the air is static.
Essay on Ozone Layer: Credible scientific studies have supported that the reason for layer depletion is human action, specifically, human-made chemicals that contain chlorine or bromine. These chemicals are widely referred to as ODS, a signifier for Ozone-Depleting Substances. The scientists have determined a reduction in stratospheric gas since the early s. Ozone-Depleting Substances are established to be eco-friendly, terribly stable and non-toxic within the atmosphere below. This is often why they need gaining quality over the years. Once up there, ODS is well dampened by the sturdy ultraviolet light and therefore the resultant chemical is chlorine and bromine.
Chlorine and bromine are renowned to consume the layer at supersonic speeds. They are doing this by mere removal of an atom from the gas molecule. One chlorine molecule has the potential to interrupt down thousands of ozone molecules. Ozone-depleting substances have kept and can continue to stay within the atmosphere for several years. The chief ozone-depleting substances embrace chlorofluorocarbons CFCs , dissolvent, hydrochlorofluorocarbons HCFCs and methyl radical chloroform. Halons, generally called brominated fluorocarbons, conjointly contribute mightily to ozone depletion.
Studies suggest that top levels of ultraviolet Rays cause non-melanoma carcinoma and plays a significant role in skin cancer development. Permanent exposure to ultraviolet rays can even cause weakening of the response of the system and even permanent injury to a system in some cases. As new products and chemicals are discovered or made, they need to be tested to gauge what, if any impact they will have on the ozone layer. The Montreal Protocol needs to be an ever evolving agreement. I would suggest an annual meeting with all its participants to re-address the list of banned substances and add new ones as they are discovered.
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